Friday, August 31, 2007

If you love someone,
Set her free...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was....


If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, as expected, she never was

If you love someone,
Set her free ...
Don't worry, she will come back .

If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, ask her why .

If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back within some time forget her.

If you love someone, Set her free ..
If she doesn't come back,
continue to wait until she comes back ...

If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she comes back, and if you love her still,
set her free again, repeat ...

Animal-Rights Activist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!

If you love someone,
Set her free,
Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the Second
Amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom

Statisticians :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she loves you, the probability of her coming
back is high
If she doesn't, your relation was improbable

Schwarzenegger's fans:
If you love someone,
Set her free,

Over possessive person :
If you love someone
don't set her free.

If you love someone set her free instantaneously
and look for others simultaneously
Psychologist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back her super ego is dominant
If she doesn't come back her id is supreme
If she doesn't go, she must be crazy .

Somnabulist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back it's a nightmare
If she doesn't, you must be dreaming.

Finance expert :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back, its time to look for fresh loans
If she doesn't, write her off as an asset gone bad.

American President:
If you love someone
Set her free
If she comes back she must be carrying weapons of mass destruction, so attack Iraq
If she doesn't, it�s the work of Osama so attack Afghanistan

the beginning

ok. so this is my first ever post. so i'd like to start with sharing something which is very dear to my heart, after my family and friends of course.

Once upon a time there was a boy,
In a broken cupboard he used to lie.
He was all alone in despair,
No one for him was there to care.

With him he had no joys but struggles.
Well, that’s because he lived with the muggles.
They gave him for dinner roasted bread,
And belied the truth of the scar on his forehead.

How lonely and wretched his life was.
His every act would end up to a chaos.
But in a peculiar place was he known,
For the charm with which he had grown

Then one day,
A man named Hagrid visited from far,
And explained why he was bearing that scar.
He said,” dear boy, you belong to Hogwarts city,
Where you are a renowned entity.”

So they flew away from unloving dears,
Who were then left with countless fears.
On reaching, everyone greeted him happily,
And he made friends with Ron and Hermione.

“From now you’ll be engaged in sorcery,”
Said the head of the management of wizardry.
Soon he was busy in learning spells,
Flying with brooms, resting in dwells.

But trouble did not abandon him so easily,
As he was the one, you see,
To whom evils would want to tatter,
As his name was Harry Potter.